Fully Featured Cash Flow Forecasting Software
for Accounting Professionals
Easy, efficient budgeting and cash flow forecasting software you can take to the bank!
Cash flow forecasting is easier with Pro-Forma Plus software. The Standard version of Pro-Forma Plus (PFP) produces a multitude of financial statements and supporting schedules including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow forecasting statement, as well as schedules for cost of sales and inventory (if the business involves the sale of goods), overheads, banking, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and cash flow forecasting assumptions. Full details can be entered for each supporting schedule.
The Corporate and Modula versions will take you through the business planning, business valuation and consolidation processes easily and expertly. You’ll see how PFP makes complex processes like cash flow forecasting simple.
Only basic spreadsheet knowledge is required to run the model: all spreadsheet commands have been automated, all formulas are included, accessible and protected, and all statements are integrated.
• PFP is compatible with Excel 2000 and higher. • No external links that can be broken. • Excel files created outside the model can be imported and linked directly into it. • PDF file creation is a fully automatic, simple point and click process.
Pro-Forma Plus Standard Edition will help fine-tune the most demanding statement and cash flow forecasting project for companies that have up to seven profit centers or operating departments.
Formats the financial statements automatically for any type of company: manufacturer, distributor, retailer or service company.
The balance sheet is fully integrated, automatic and cell-protected. Accounts can be added; accounts with no activity can be suppressed automatically when printing.
Operating loan balances are automatically monitored and updated. Calculates margin requirements and predicts collateral shortfalls, if any. This means financing proposals can be submitted knowing the bank’s requirements beforehand — not finding out after the submission has been made.
Amortization schedules are prepared automatically for an unlimited number of long-term loans — existing and proposed. Calculates and records the current and deferred portions on the balance sheet.
Complete budget details along with narrative commentary and the comparative to prior year numbers can be shown for each expense and sales item.
The numerous formatting options in Pro-Forma Plus allows models to be created for any type of company – from service companies to distributors, retailers and manufacturers.
Compares up to five years historical data, creates a trend line for each item, and compares this to the corresponding item in the budget for the coming year. The analysis includes each profit center; the income statement and overhead schedule and includes percentages as well as amounts.
Contains a powerful, multi-year cash flow forecasting capability. Forecasts can be created in monthly detail for as many years as required (balance sheets are carried forward automatically each year), then automatically summarized in a comparative annual format.
The variance analysis feature can be used to update budgets as actuals become known. Based on the actual performance to date, the current budget can be re-forecast to the end of the fiscal period while retaining the original numbers. Variances are shown in dollars and percentages.
In addition, PFP includes a powerful rolling budget feature that is ideal for companies experiencing considerable change. The rolling budget allows management to see the impact of current events beyond the current fiscal period.
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Pro-Forma Plus Corporate Edition contains all of the features in the Standard Edition and adds a complete business planning module, a consolidation module and a business valuation module.
Business Planning: Every company has planned business activities to some degree — even if the plan is not committed to paper. However, getting it down in black and white formalizes the process and instills a discipline upon the corporation — it forces action and involvement at all levels of the company.
Corporate Edition will take you through the business planning process easily and expertly. You’ll see the steps involved in setting up the initial plan, articulating the strategies, and managing the review process.
Consolidations: The consolidation feature includes the balance sheets, income statements, overhead schedules, and cash flow schedules. Features include eliminations, automatic currency conversion and the ability to realign accounts for dissimilar entities. When consolidated budgets are prepared for more than one year, a multi-year summary of consolidated results can be created automatically.
Business Valuation: Valuation professionals will find the business valuation module especially helpful. It provides an adjustable valuation range showing the high and low ranges. Ranges are based on each of weighted and simple averages at plus or minus 10%. An alternative range can be entered manually.
Cash flows from operations are picked up automatically from each year’s statement of changes in financial position and discounted to present values after the necessary adjustments have been entered.
Historical income statements for up to 12 years are converted to current values using CPI where the current year is converted automatically to 100. As many adjustments as necessary can be entered.
Historical balance sheets for up to 12 years can be entered. Adjustments to the current year for fair market value of capital and other assets can be made along with adjustments for surplus assets, etc. The ratio of the range of maintainable earnings to adjusted equity is calculated automatically along with working capital and debt to equity ratios. User-defined ratios can also be entered.
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Pro-Forma Plus Modula Edition is designed for organizations which need the ability to collect and consolidate budgets from many different divisions or profit centers. Modula Edition retains all of the features in Corporate Edition and adds additional functionality.
Having each manager complete his or her own budget electronically means the annual budget process is shortened considerably. Changes are done in seconds and mathematical accuracy is a given. Next year’s budget process is even faster since the prior year numbers just need updating. Since number crunching is no longer a time-consuming process, managers can devote more time to the strategic elements of the budget preparation exercise.
Modula Edition includes an option to create up to 12 administrative departmental budgets directly by each manager with full details provided for each budget item. The administrative budget modules can be used for all or some administrative departments and can be distributed in the same manner as the operating budget modules.